Digital Ads Succeed or Fail Before Your Viewer is Ever Conscious of It. This is Why You Need a Digital Advertising Agency that Knows How Your Customer's Mind Works!
Spark the Right Emotions in Your Customers to Get the Clicks & Conversions that Grow Your Business.

Why You Should Let Our Digital Advertising Agency Create and Manage Your Next Digital Ad Campaign
We know what neural chemicals spark more sales for your online business
We know how to convince your audience to click on your ad
We know how to communicate with ad-serving algorithms to serve your ad to the right person at the right time, at the right price
Run Your Digital Ad Campaign on the Following Digital Advertising Platforms

- Google Pay-Per-click (PPC) Advertising – If they don’t click, you don’t pay.
- Search and Display – We serve display ads to niche websites we know your customer is interested in.
- Google Shopping Network – We will get your product at the top of in-market Google searches so customers can see your pricing and product before ever clicking on your site.
- Retargeting – A customer can migrate away from your website 3-6x before making a purchase. Retargeting ads keep you at the top of their mind.
- Click-to-Call Tracking – When someone calls your business, we know how they found your number.
- YouTube Video Advertising – Easily one of the most affordable + effective ways to gain mass-market awareness.
- Programmatic Advertising – Create hyper-targeted campaigns using first- and third-party data to increase the scale and precision of your campaigns.
Our Digital Ad Network Captures 98% of Your Market

Advertise Your Business on ALL of these Cool Devices + Gadgets...
Desktop Computers
Mobile Phones
Connected TV
On any of these digital channels...
Niche Websites your customers frequent
Mobile Apps
Google Search
TV – ESPN, FOX, ABC, NBC, Discovery Channel, The History Channel, HGTV, AMC, the Weather Channel, just to name a few
Social media – Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter
Pandora Radio

How Our Process Reduces Ad Spend and Increases Your Return on Acquisition
We Measure and Optimize All Points of Your Ad Campaign and Base its Performance on Visibility, Clickability, and Convertibility

Display your ad to as many people who fit your target market at the minimal cost possible.
We determine if your ad meets industry standards by measuring the Click-Through-Rate (CTR) of your ad.
We measure which ads are converting and how much your in-house cost per customer/lead acquisition (ROAS) is to justify the ad spend and make sure your business is profiting.
Utilize Our Neuromarketing Chops to Create a Digital Ad Campaign That Will Stop Scrolls, Fire Neurons, Wire Memories, and Produce High Return Results for Your Business
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Digital Advertising
Here’s how to describe it in a way that even your parents could understand: Programmatic is the marriage of two words: “programme” and “automatic”. Programmatic means using programmes or software to automate the ad management, buying, and measurement process.
PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click and is an online advertising model in which advertisers pay each time a user clicks on one of their online ads.
There are different types of PPC ads, but one of the most common types is the paid search ad you find on Google searches. These ads appear when people search for things online while using Google – especially when you use in-market search keywords for products and services, which typically means that they’re looking to buy at some point.
It’s important to understand which keywords represent in-market search queries vs keywords that are merely for research and discovery purposes.
As you’ve probably guessed, in-market search terms are far more profitable in a Google PPC campaign than research queries.
Does Flo sell insurance?
ABSOLUTELY! One of the best things about our digital advertising agency is that we can track user journeys across devices, on other websites, and especially, which ad brought home the business and how much it cost to get that new customer.
Cookies, simply put, are packets of data your computer sends and receives! Computer cookies help websites keep track of your online visits and activities. How can such a tasty and harmless name seem so sci-fi? It’s not like that at all! For example, a retail site uses cookies to make sure items stay in your cart instead of emptying down to 0 every time you click on a new link. Cookies are there to make sure that a user has the best experience possible on a website.
For advertising, cookies also tells ad networks what products you’ve been looking at and what websites you’ve visited so it can serve more relevant advertisements to you and your e-commerce customers. Because we all know, an e-commerce customer seldom makes a purchase on the first visit. You are going to want to remarket to that customer to remind them and or coax them to return and buy, well after they’ve left your website.
A neurochemical is a small organic molecule or peptide that participates in neural activity. The science of neurochemistry studies the functions of neurochemicals.
Prominent Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators include:
Glutamate is the most common neurotransmitter. Most neurons secrete glutamate or GABA. Glutamate is excitatory, meaning that the release of glutamate by one cell usually causes adjacent cells to fire an action potential. (Note: Glutamate is chemically identical to the MSG commonly used to flavor food.)
GABA is an example of an inhibitory neurotransmitter.
Prominent Monoamine neurotransmitters include:
Dopamine is a monoamine neurotransmitter. It plays a key role in the functioning of the limbic system, which is involved in emotional function and control. It is also involved in cognitive processes associated with movement, arousal, executive function, body temperature regulation, and pleasure and reward, as well as other processes.
Norepinephrine, also known as noradrenaline, is a monoamine neurotransmitter that is involved in arousal, pain perception, executive function, body temperature regulation, and other processes.
Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, is a monoamine neurotransmitter that plays in the fight-or-flight response, increases blood flow to muscles, the output of the heart, pupil dilation, and glucose.
Serotonin is a monoamine neurotransmitter that plays a regulatory role in mood, sleep, appetite, body temperature regulation, and other processes.
Histamine is a monoamine neurotransmitter that is involved in arousal, pain, body temperature regulation, and appetite.
Trace amines act as neuromodulators in monoamine neurons via binding to TAAR1.
Acetylcholine assists motor function and is involved in memory.
Nitric oxide functions as a neurotransmitter, despite being a gas. It is not grouped with the other neurotransmitters because it is not released in the same way.
Endocannabinoids act in the endocannabinoid system to control neurotransmitter release in a host of neuronal tissues, including the hippocampus, amygdala, basal ganglia, and cerebellum.
Eicosanoids act as neuromodulators via the Arachidonic acid cascade.[1]
Orexins (-A and -B) are involved in a number of cognitive processes, including appetite, arousal, reward, and many others.
Prominent Neurohypophysial hormones include:
Oxytocin regulates social cognition (e.g., trust and pair-bonding) and modulates maternal behavior.
Endogenous opioids:
Neurotrophic factors are biomolecules – nearly all of which are peptides or small proteins – that support the growth, survival, and differentiation of both developing and mature neurons.
Remarketing is a fun tool utilized to bring users back to your website! Remarketing campaigns are used to connect back with users who previously left your site without converting. It allows you to position your ads in front of an audience to remind them to come back and get what they came for!